The students in the Ahrens Work Transition Program have been hard at work, making snack bags for those experiencing homelessness in the Louisville area through Snacks in Sacks. This morning the students made 85 bags in 45 minutes!
The Work Transition program equips students with special educational needs with the skills they need to enter the work force after high school. Amanda Jones, special education teacher with Ahrens had this to say about the collaboration: "We are very excited about this partnership with Snacks in Sacks. In a typical school year, we provide daily volunteer work opportunities in the community for our students. We teach them how to walk safely as pedestrians, ride public transportation, and teach valuable work skills to be gainfully employed by the time they graduate from our program the year they turn 21. With the return to in-person school and the COVID restrictions related to community instruction, our staff has worked very hard to bring work opportunities into our classroom by reaching out to community partners. Snacks in Sacks has been a blessing to our program, and we are thrilled to help them with their mission."
To help these amazing students make their snack bags, please visit the wish list and send snack food directly to the school, or contact Snacks in Sacks through our web site for more information.